Art Gone Wrong

Art Gone Wrong

Art hung the wrong way is like someone wearing a bad wig. It is hard not to notice and for a designer, it is really hard not to take it down and place it correctly.

Common Mistakes.

  1. Eye Level. Art should be hung at eye level. But if you have a really tall husband like I do, you have to specify who’s eye level! Imagine your wall divided vertically into four sections. Counting from the floor, your art should be in the third section.

    Photo credit:
  2. Collections. If you are working with a collection, think of the collection as one complete piece.
  3. Too Small. When art is too small for the space it often gets lost and looses its effect.

    Photo Credit:
  4. Disconnected. We see this a lot. Art that is not hung at the correct height will look like it is disconnected from the furniture. Keep your art “grounded” to the sofa, table, chair rail, etc.

The solutions.

  1. Hang art about 57″ from the floor.
  2. Art should be 6-8″ above the sofa.
  3. Art should be 1/2 to 2/3 the width of the sofa.
  4. In collections, the space between pieces should be 2″ apart.



212 W. State Street
Botkins, OH 45306

About askamystaging

Owner & Creator of Ask Amy Staging, LLC.
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